We are a leading consultancy, analytical and design company for the environment, agriculture, forestry and spatial development. We provide professional support to institutions and businesses in meeting development plans and environmental measures. We helped dozens of domestic and foreign clients. Do not hesitate to ask us how we can help you.

Navigační obrázek služeb v oblasti životního prostředí


Solving the issues of water regime, air quality protection and  noise pollution. Landscape charecter assessment, ÚSES, EIA reviews.

Navigační obrázek služeb v oblasti zemědělství a lesnictví

Agriculture and forestry

LPIS and IACS designing – at home and abroad, support to the Common Agriculture Policy implementation with the help of GIS tools. Emission deposition in forests.

Navigační obrázek služeb v oblasti územního plánování a rozvoje

Spatial development and planning

Processing different kinds of planning analytical background materials and planning documentations. Processing simple and complex land consolidation projects.

Navigační obrázek služeb v oblasti adaptace na klimatickou změnu

Climate change

Sustainable way of landscape adaptation to the climate change impacts with the aim to decrease the damages on agriculture and forestry production and on landscape itself.

Navigační obrázek geoinformačních služeb

Geo-information and information services

IT support of our services in the field of agriculture, environment and spatial planning. Analyses and complex GIS solution.

We'll handle even the most complicated task. Call 721 222 994
