LIFE Tree Check

Navigační obrázek služeb v oblasti adaptace na klimatickou změnu
Climate change

So the city doesn´t burn!

We want to help the cities of Central Europe effectively tackle the effects of climate change, in particular with ever-growing heat waves and urban overheating by enhancing green infrastructure – greenery in all its forms and possible locations.


The LIFE Tree Check team of experts

That is a unique combination of people with scientific knowledge, strategists and analysts, experts with practical experience in urban management and green infrastructure management, and communication specialists.

Tree Check App™

That is a mobile app that recognizes specific types of plants on the basis of a photograph, quantifies its contribution to the city‘s climate, and engages the public in urban greenery care in a fun way

Tree Check Pro™
That is an electronic online tool that can predict the impact of planned investments on a city‘s climate, enabling qualified decision-making about their appropriate form.
A good plan
That is a plan that can project measures for cooling the city into all strategies, investments and procedures where it is functional and effective.

















The detailed informations are on webside:

The LIFE Tree Check project received EU financial support from the LIFE programme.